Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Lukas 一邊吃午餐, 一邊週圍望, 好不專心地吃他的午餐!
突然問我 “媽咪, 地下係咪藝術呀?”
我 “咩藝術呀? 地下點樣藝術法呀?”
Lukas 一邊指著地板上的木紋一邊說 “你睇下, 地下有一條條既紋, 有d大條, 有d 細條, 係藝術呀!”
我 “呵 ~~ 係wor..有patterns 架wor..又真係幾藝術wor ” (我要扮到好識咩係藝術咁講…嘻嘻)
Lukas 覺得我很讚成他的想法的樣子, 沾沾自喜地又說 : “媽咪, 我隻腳跌親呀, 我要plasters 呀!” (佢前日上學途中跑得太快而跌到, 流血)
我 ” 咁你貼plasters 喇~~”

我看見他取了四片plasters 出來, 我就說 “咁細個傷口, 使唔使四片咁多呀? 兩片就得啦~~”
Lukas “我要四片呀, 藝術呀, 你睇下” (一邊把四片plasters 貼上Knees 上成為兩個十字)
Lukas 續繼說 “Cross 呀, Jesus 既cross 呀, 我用兩種唔同既plasters, 係咪好藝術呀?” (咦~~睇真d, 原來佢真係用左兩隻唔同牌子和質地既plasters 呀)
[我心諗, 跌親o姐, 使唔使咁"藝術"呀, 一盒plaster 都未用完就開另一盒, 而家兩盒都開晒, 就係為左整個"藝術" knees]
我心雖然咁諗, 但我個口就對Lukas 說 “係wor…好”藝術” 呀 ~~” (係咪好假 ~~嘻嘻)
Anyway, 吃完午餐後, Lukas 穿上短褲, 好神氣的用他那對”藝術的” 腿走路上學去! 還一邊走路一邊指指週圍的環境說 :
“媽咪, 你睇下呢棵樹, 藝術呀…佢有唔同既根, 樹葉同紋架!”
“媽咪, 個地下都係藝術呀, d 一粒粒唔同型狀架”
我們的一路上都在談”藝術”直到回校….. 原來呢個世界真係好藝術架!

Monday, May 03, 2010

The most creative one in our family

Vienna is a very creative person and therefore she does lots of “strange” things…got photos this time.
She even taught Lukas how to hold colour pencils the way she does
Turning her mole into a bright sun…hahaha..

This is the way she holds colour pencils (She chooses the colours she needs on a particular picture).
Lukas is taught to do the same.
Choosing and swapping the pencils smoothly and comfortably. Roll over back and forth.

Done and keep drawing.