Saturday, April 28, 2012

Shakespeare: A Worldwide Classroom

All of the students with their teachers and principals from different schools
I watched the Shakespeare: A Worldwide Classroom (Love Matters) tonight. It was a pioneer program held between The British Council and some schools. This year, the British Council invited 4 primary schools and one high school to participate in this project. The students had been attending the workshops delivered from their Arts Partner, Theatre Noir before doing their show to the public.

Hong Kong is the only Asian place to have this pioneer program which allows primary school students to learn and perform  Shakespeare's literature in a contemporary way. I particularly liked the performance performed by Heep Yunn School (the only high school tonight) in which the story was beautifully crafted and the theme was clearly delivered.

I think it is so cool that primary school students have a chance to learn more about Shakespeare while I remember I first learnt about him was at my high school age. The sharing from some students tonight were very positive and encouraging too.

So, if your primary schools or high schools in HK are interested in sponsoring or participating in this program, you can contact your school or the British Council.
a beautiful stage background

Friday, April 27, 2012

mom's love

Lukas "媽咪,點解你唔去學游水嘅?"

我"我冇咁多錢呀,d 錢用黎比你地三個學吖嘛"

Lukas "咁你跌左落水,只有daddy 先救到你㗎喎,我地救唔到你㗎喎!"


Lukas "咁係咪唧係你愛我多過愛你自己呀?係咪呀媽咪?"


Lukas "多謝你呀媽咪"


Thursday, April 26, 2012

Love for friend

替小孩的衣櫃換季時,Vienna 突然說"媽咪,xxx(她同學的名字)每日著嘅衫都好舊,未見過佢著新衫,我可唔可以送d衫比佢呀?"


Vienna 很高興的把一件還在禮盒裝內的新衫帶回學校給她的同學。是的,分享是一件美事,使人學習懂得關愛和被關愛。

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Scared of dying

Lukas suddenly asked me " mum, do you really love your iphone?"

Me "I love you more than love my iphone"

Lukas "of course, if the iphone dies, you can use the computer. But if I die, you only can pray for me"

Me " I can pray for you even before you die"

Zac " Lukas, everyone will die one day"

Lukas "mum, can you pray for me that I won't die soon?"

Me "sure" (then we prayed together that Lukas won't die soon)

*** Most of the kids are scared of dying and don't have idea what death means. I am glad that Lukas' kindy is going to take the kids to visit a graveyard soon (kindy outing program) and the teachers are going to talk about death with the kids. I am actually interested in knowing what the teachers are going to say. ***

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Clever and interesting

How many can you see?


笫一次玩數字畫,每人選買了一張,Zac 還未開始畫,而Lukas 貪快,一個小時內畫完,看得出手工惡劣..哈哈!Vienna 慢條斯理的畫。我自己也想畫一幅呢!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Tuesday, April 03, 2012

nice place

Here is the place we live in HK ( only few minutes from our house). People can do BBQ, boat rolling,biking, flying kites, hiking and fishing here.. Dear God, thank you for the good weather today!