Monday, August 29, 2011


我"咦..呢個好似係Zac wor?!”
Vienna “梗係唔係啦,Zac邊有咁矮呀!"
Daddy “我諗佢會著住件紅白間條衫"
Lukas “我估唔係空姐帶住呀Zac囉,我估係男仔,所以咪”空哥"囉!"
終於等到Zac出來了,他果然著住紅白間條tee shirt 加埋件毛毛jacket,但陪伴他的不是"空哥"…..哈哈….
所以只有Lukas 猜錯了。之後我們到心愛的Burger King 吃dinner 去。

Business minds

Zac bought some nice reading materials from England and he set some rules for Vienna and Lukas for borrowing his reading materials.
(1) If you pay Zac HKD10 membership fee , you can keep reading his  books/magazines..etc for one week
(2)  If you pay Zac HKD100 membership fee , you can keep reading his books/ magazines.etc. for one year
(3) Free of charge for one day trial of reading.
Vienna also got some nice books/magazines from England and she said to me "mum, can you help me put an ad online to sell my books?"
Me " You just got these books from England, why do you want to sell them?"
Vienna "I will photocopy them and I will keep the copies for myself, then you can help me sell the books. I want to sell them before they get old. So, then I can read the books and also earn some money."
** both Karl and I don't have business minds like that, wonder where they learn this from!"**
And of course I won't allow them to do these coz (1) not nice to people (Zac's case) (2) involves breach of copy rights (Vienna's case)


Lukas "媽咪,你快d學游水啦,如果香港有海嘯,你點算呀?"


Vienna "咁你自己呢Lukas?"

Lukas "我捉住你,你游咪得囉"

Vienna "你捉住我隻腳啦,我隻手要拿住個浮板架"

Lukas "好啦,咁daddy 抱住mami,我就捉住你隻腳啦,Zac自己游!"

Sunday, August 14, 2011


Vienna 在練習drama中,Lukas很乖帶了一本練習簿來消磨時間:
Lukas “媽咪,我做完呢頁喇,你黎睇下啦"
***Zac 比我更慘….哈哈***

Saturday, August 13, 2011


Lukas “媽咪,你睇下(指著這個廣告牌). 你唔好去呢個massage 店呀,佢地會用熨斗熨你個pat pat 架!”

Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Tom and Jerry

In this morning: 
Lukas “Zac, I want to follow you whole day today.”
Zac “Why?”
Lukas “coz you are going to England tomorrow.”
Zac “So, are you happier today or tomorrow?”
Lukas “Today, coz you are going to England tomorrow.”
Then Lukas gave Zac a big hug. 
After awhile , Vienna said “from tomorrow on, we won’t have “Tom and Jerry” at home for 2 weeks” (referring to Zac and Lukas’ behaviour at home)

Sunday, August 07, 2011

Barbie Mannequin

Karl found lots of barbie dolls’ hair in the bathroom sink the other day ( Vienna cut some of their hair), then tonight I found out Vienna actually cut a barbie’s and Ken’s heads off and threw them away in the rubbish. She said she wanted these 2 to be mannequins in shops. Who will pay a full price to buy her barbie dolls to be transformed into mannequins like these next time?! Waste of money! ( look at the 2 mannequins in this pic)

Saturday, August 06, 2011


今日為Lukas 的shooting 禱告,希望一切開心順利,果然有excellent 的表現。
拍攝其間,攝影師跟Lukas 說「Lukas,你呢個shot係要笑到好開心,之後又要coo
l d,跟住…(so on so…)」。 
Lukas 「得啦,我會做晒架喇,我貯緊錢買iPad 2 吖嘛」。