Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Vienna went to an ice cream shop while I was receiving my spectacles prescription in an optical shop next door. She came back with a big big smile on her face. 

She told me she only had enough money for a plain ice cream in a cone but the 
salesperson (happened to be her ex classmate's mum) paid for the topping (hundreds and thousands) for her (her favorite topping on desserts).

Yes, it really is a joyful thing when we get something good for free, isn't it? We don't deserve it but we get it for doing nothing. This is called GRACE.
The salesperson was gracious to Vienna and Vienna received the ice cream gratefully.

❤Jesus has prepared an abundant life (i.e. full and meaningful) for you - you can receive it for free. And you can experience the real joy of this free gift. I got the gift therefore I can tell you how ..if you want to know it...❤

Monday, August 27, 2012

Secrets of Success God's Lifelines by Judy Douglass

Praise the Lord that Jeremy Lin's event went great today. It wasn't an event to worship a super star but to see the true God through Jeremy. We see God's faithfulness, sovereignty and guidance..and more through his testimony. The speaker's 
teaching was excellent guidance to have a successful life and also a good reminder to those who have already had successful lives.

A book I just finished reading called "Secrets of Success" written by Judy Douglass tells us 12 "secrets" (from the bible) to have a successful life. Jeremy Lin's success actually has all 12 secrets mentioned in this book including Be humble and Trust God (these two impressed me the most from his life).

You are welcome to borrow this book from me but please make sure you return it to me. Thank you Judy for the great book, may your teaching bless lots of people with His purpose.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Playing "Restaurant"

Zac is on holiday in China, Vienna and Lukas are playing "Restaurant" at home. See how serious they play---> Vienna designed this menu for the restaurant! I am surprised that I am not one of the chefs but Lukas is the Star chef... LOL. I am assigned to be the customer. Anyone wants to order from this restaurant? Hahaha..

Friday, August 24, 2012

When I woke up I saw this...

I was very tired after being out for the whole day, fell asleep on the sofa. Then saw this when I woke up... a little refreshment for my day.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Lukas' fashion sense

Saw this scene in the living room this afternoon: 

Me" Wow.. Lukas, what fashion sense is this? Why is your leg like that ? "

Lukas said " I want to be like Zac!" while he was taking off the rubber bands. ( refers to Zac's "Adidas tattoo" done the other day)

The mark on his leg says " Who's on the inside ?"(即「誰在你𥚃面?」)

These are the rubber bracelets given to the students at a student conference in NZ years ago. Daddy was clearing his old stuff today and found them. The carved statement " Who's on the inside?" reminds us to think who is inside our lives -- Jesus. It works just like those bracelets carved with "WWJD" ( i.e. What Would Jesus Do)

*** Go for it Lukas, I think it is great to bring Jesus into the fashion field ... Haha...
Anyway, our Lord is the Alpha and Omega and You should be trendy at all times!! ***

Thursday, August 16, 2012

A cool tattoo

Some of you might know Zac is very sporty--he thinks this is a so cool tattoo on his ankle (done by his sock), therefore he asked me to take a photo of it.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Vienna's first camp by herself

Chatting with Vienna after her camp: 

「Conversation 1」
Me"How were the leaders in the camp Vienna ?"

Vienna "They were good and they were from Taiwan, Germany, Korea and HK. I was in a Mandarin group ( the leader is Taiwanese)"

Me " oh.. Did you understand what she said?"

Vienna "My leader asked me if I wanted to join the English group (in which the leader is German) and I said I wanted to stay with the Mandarin group coz my Mandarin isn't good and I wanted to learn it better. Only 3 days... I could cope ! So I stayed with the Mandarin group!"

Me" that's great Vienna"

「Conversation 2」
Daddy " Vienna, where do you want to have dinner tonight?"

Vienna " doesn't matter coz I had the worst food already ( in the camp)"

** wow, we can't believe a picky eater in our family said that. Great learning from the camp... LOL**

Wednesday, August 08, 2012


話說Lukas 和Vienna 在家玩耍時,Lukas 用腳踢Vienna 的肚子,我沒有看見事情發生,但見Vienna 雙手抱著肚子哭泣。

我「Lukas, 你踢Vienna個肚呀?點解你要咁做?」

Lukas 開始大哭「我講左對唔住喇....」


Lukas 繼續哭「但我講左對唔住,Daddy話okay 喇」

我「咁係咪殺左人,say sorry...可以唔使坐監呀?我要罰你..」

Lukas 跑到daddy 身邊大哭大叫「Daddyyyyyyyy....」

在看奧運的Daddy 「Yes, he said sorry to Vienna already , he didn't hit her on purpose , just let them sort it out」

我「咁唔得喎,佢唔係第一次咁㗎喇, 之前都打過Vienna...」

怎料滿臉涙水的Lukas 站在我們前面,振振有詞的對我們說「你地傾掂點教小朋友先啦,daddy 又咁講,但係媽咪你又咁講,快d去傾啦,去啦...去啦。」

聽完他的「忠告」後 ,我突然想起我教過parenting 課的一個內容,就是「教導孩子,父母要有一致的想法」。我突然住口,不再繼續駡Lukas...(真的是:停一停,想一想」的情況。

怎料同時,Lukas 轉過Vienna 處,抱緊Vienna , 大聲的對她說「Sorry Vienna...」

Vienna 破涕為笑...抱抱Lukas.

***我頓然覺得自己太衝動,Lukas 是沒意踢Vienna 的,只是玩耍時踢到,但我就把他以前的錯誤也再搬出來一起唸他,實在不是***

那我最後同意Karl 的做法,所以沒有繼續說什麼的。又要趕時間帶Vienna 和Lukas 外出,Lukas 還一邊走一邊抹涙的跟著我去等小巴。


**I am praying for myself to be a better mum for my kids**

Need to work hard on this.

Wednesday, August 01, 2012


Having my dinner break outside..
Lukas grasped this block from the table once we sat down in the restaurant.
Me " Lukas, leave the toy on the table, someone will come back very soon to take the toy, someone forgot to take it after eating he

Lukas " No... I looked around and saw all the tables have this block, so it is from the restaurant , not someone's toy"

Then I looked around and he was right, every table has one on it.

Me " so what is this for?"

Lukas " don't know" ( kept playing with it until he opened the top)

* it is a tooth picks container * CUTE