Thursday, May 31, 2012


This afternoon, I watched it with Zac. Both of us were very impressed by her life. It was so encouraging. Do we have dreams? How much we dedicate to follow our dreams? Her life mission made me cry...such a great example. Part of her story reminds me of Ms Beatrix Potter (the creator of Peter Rabbit). Her face also reminds me of an elderly friend of mine in NZ, who dedicates to music so much.
Lord, teach us to have passion about life and guide us to find out our life mission in this world. Friends, pls watch Dr. Wu's amazing story by clicking on this link. I am sure you will be inspired by her story.

Vienna 的中文功課:作句子

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Lukas 正在為他幼稚園的畢業典禮某部份節目睩音中。看回照片有些感觸,這是Lukas的第一位男性老師,Lukas特別喜歡這位老師,記得開學第一天放學回家,他已急不及待的跟我說他很喜歡今年的班老師,因為他覺得男老師比女老師「勁」。所以他早期稱呼這位老師為「大佬」、「呀哥」。可見他很想和這老師建立感情。其實很多小朋友也很喜歡這位「大佬」,因為他臉常帶笑容,又是一位耐心的老師。

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

What a day !

Lukas 之前走來問我幾個字怎樣寫。怎料晩上看到這幾個字原來放在他的日記功課本上。What a day Lukas!

Kinder graduation performance costume

I got my costume from London for my coming graduation performance. Do I look smart in it  Thank you grandma for the arrangement.

Monday, May 28, 2012

My Love Language

Okay, showing off the beautifully presents from my hubby bought in Egypt. But the most lovely thing he did to me was saying " I miss you". Yup, my Love Language type is "Words". Anyone read the book called " the Five love languages" ( do I remember the book name right?)? It reflects what your love language is!

Friday, May 25, 2012

A caring sister

Lukas 因為在喝水時把衣服弄濕了上衣一大片,Vienna 立即走出車外,從boot裏的書包內拿出她的jacket,然後把Lukas的濕衣脫掉,為他穿上乾衣。還告訴Lukas不可吹冷氣,因為身體剛剛濕凍了。(我沒有停車熄匙,因為天氣實在炎熱)

Zac放學上車,第一句說的話是「嘩! Lukas, 你做咩著Melody 呀?」(jacket 上印有My Melody 的圖案)

Lukas 用感謝的聲音向Zac解釋事緣!我也順道稱讚Vienna 一下。

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


事緣:今日他倆放學後等待Zac下課時,Vienna 和Lukas嚷著要我買零食,我告訴他們快要吃晚餐和我沒有錢,不買零食了!
怎料隔了一會,他們從canteen找來兩杯辣椒醬和一些糖包,Vienna 把糖放進辣椒醬內,叫Lukas跟她一起吃一口。Lukas猶豫了一會,今次沒有聽從Vienna的。


Sunday, May 20, 2012


Zac和Lukas 坐在小巴站的椅子上,正等待小巴中,途中有三位人仕走到坐椅旁邊抽煙:
Zac 嗅到煙味,立即離開走到我身旁,然而Lukas 還坐著輕輕鬆的吃著他的雞蛋仔小吃。

Zac 肉緊的向Lukas大聲說道「Lukas, 你唔覺得臭嘅咩?你食緊二手煙喎?」


Zac 「我有講錯咩?佢(Lukas)再唔走開,食埋三手煙添呀!"


Zac「即係d煙噴左去另外d嘢度,例如牆,家俬咁,跟住Lukas 吸番d煙味」



Vienna 「Lukas,你知唔知食煙d牙會變黃㗎?吸d煙會係七秒鐘之內就會上到你個腦度㗎喇」

Lukas 在哥哥姊姊的「勸告」下,臉色有點驚慌!


Zac 「媽咪,借你個電話比我呀」









Friday, May 18, 2012

Love your enemies

Both Zac and Vienna don't have school today, so they have to follow me wherever I go. While I was staying at HKIEd to write my talk, they brought their iPads along to entertain themselves. 

Vienna " what are you doing mum?"

Me" I am working on my talk "

Vienna " what is it about?"

Me "It is about connection, Friendships stuff"

Vienna " You just tell the students 「Love your enemies 」"

Me " Good point Vienna but this is so difficult to do, isn't it?"

Then Vienna replied me by coming over to my computer and showing me a bible verse on the screen which she just searched.

The verse says " I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me" Philippians 4:13

I thank God for my girl who has faith. I definitely will include this scene to my talk. Amen !

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day

Mission completed! This is the painting I painted for my mother in law for her Mother's Day. Karl took it all the way to London for her (his parents had no clue that he was flying there for a business trip). Thanks my sister in law for coordinating to this mission. Yup, they were surprised to see Karl in London. Also it is good to celebrate my father in law's birthday today too. Wishing them have a great time together.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

ice cream

吃完Mothers' Day family dinner 後,小孩嚷著要吃他們喜歡的日本雪糕,當店員姐姐替Lukas預備他的雪糕時,Lukas對她說「唔該比多d我吖」。果然真的很大球(注:Lukas買的是單球,Zac買的是雙球,對比之下體積差不多)。Lukas,你的面皮跟你的雪糕都那麼厚....哈哈!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Nefarious: Merchant of Souls Gala Premiere

Attended the premiere of this shocking movie called Nefarious: Merchant of Souls. It was made to raise awareness about the global issues of human trafficking and exploitation of children. This award winning documentary uncovers the underworld of sex slavery and opens my eyes to the gruesome situations of those who are trapped in the modern slavery. I was pretty shocked by the real stories shown in this movie.  This movie was made in different countries over a few years to show some differences (e.g. how the girls got sold and why they were trapped to prostitution) regarding to the same issue.

This evening was closed with an encouraging message by Ms Laila Mickelwait who works closely with this project and works at Exodus Cry. 
Find out more about this concern, please follow Exodus Cry on facebook

Here is the trailer of this movie

Monday, May 07, 2012


Lukas 今晚吃完晚飯後,突然送上他畫的一幅畫給我,他說「媽咪,我知你鐘意做呢樣嘢!」。


supermarket 買餸

今天和Lukas 到supermarket 買餸,在收銀櫃枱:
Lukas "點解有d蕉係綠色嘅?"


Lukas "咁d人又買嘅?"


點知Lukas 問收銀嘅嬸嬸"請問你地有冇d未熟但又過期嘅嘢賣㗎?"





Lukas "媽咪,點解d 人要著bra bra 嘅?"




Lukas "唔係喎,我見過daddy個度,都唔係好平㗎喎,你快d 比你d bra bra比daddy 著啦"


Wednesday, May 02, 2012


After reading my friend Sherry's column on SCMP, a few thoughts came up to my mind:

(1) Simple writing and story telling techniques could make the stories stick in people's minds (for general audience)
(2) Do parents nowadays emphasis on nurturing their kids knowledge rather than their wisdom ? How can these two compromise each other?

Knowledge comes by taking things apart: analysis.
But wisdom comes by putting things together.– John A. Morrison

(3) I know lots of local school parents are struggling with the local educational system in HK (including me), so how can I solve the problems wisely or what role can I take in this "problem solving" issue with limited resources?

In this morning's quiet time, I read the book of Proverbs from the Bible.
It says " Get wisdom, get understanding; do not forget my words or swerve from them. Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you; love her, and she will watch over you. Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom." (4:5-7)

I think I need to understand more about wisdom and I am sure it will help my life live more abundantly.