Wednesday, June 22, 2011

今日語錄 ( on the bus)

坐巴士中,Lukas “媽咪,呢度寫住咩咩咩[入屎]呀?係咪邊d人想痾屎就坐呢d位呀?"

Monday, June 20, 2011


跟舅父,舅母和grandparents 吃完飯,回家途中….
Vienna “媽咪,舅父舅母會唔會生baby 架?”
Zac “咁遲d我地咪多個cousin 囉?”
Zac “多d cousins 有咩好呀?”
我”多d人咪好玩d囉, 你第時生多d小朋友,佢地大個就會有多d cousins 一齊玩,咪開心d囉.”
Vienna 搶著說 “你唔使同Zac 講呢d嘢啦,佢都話唔會結婚嘛!”
Zac 快駁 “係囉, 第一,我唔係女人,我唔會生仔囉,第二,我係唔會結婚囉, 因為我係唔鐘意d 女仔既, 佢地好麻煩, 少少野都唔識,成日要人教佢地. 如果我結婚,一定係有好特別既原因囉!” (我心諗:結得婚就梗係特別架啦..)
Vienna “Zac, 咁如果你同男仔結婚, 你會同邊個呀?”
Zac 諗都唔使諗 “我會同XXX (同學名) 或者XXX (另一同學名)
Vienna 笑Zac ” 吓…你真係會同男仔結婚架? 哈哈….”
Zac 個樣招招積積”係呀.我係(gay)架, 咁點吖?!!!”
全程都安安靜靜的Lukas 突然說”Zac, 你(機) 架, 咁你係咪會同robot 結婚架?”
Zac 沒好氣 “係 gay, “G” “A” “Y” 呀, 唔係”機器”個機呀!!!”
Lukas ” 哦~~~”

Monday, June 13, 2011


Today I found out that Vienna used a food container to keep her urine in and was placed on top of the piano. I wondered what it was until I opened the container. She did the “explosive candy” experiment in the bathroom last week and the urine this week. I don’t know what she will do next…. is my house safe to live in?
Then I asked her about this when I picked her up from school today:
Me: “Vienna, I found a container with some urine in, I am sure it was yours”
Vienna: “No, it wasn’t mine”
Me: “Yes, I am sure it was yours, don’t lie Vienna!”
Then she giggled and admitted the fact.
Me: ” Tell me why you did that.”
Vienna: “I wanted to see how much urine I produced in the morning. I did it for few days.”
Me: “Huh ??? So, did you produce lots of urine? ”
Vienna: “yes, so much so that container couldn’t hold it all, so I used the blue cup to hold it”
I recently saw Lukas’ blue cup inside the shower room, so I asked “you mean the blue cup that Lukas used to brush his teeth with?”
Vienna giggled again “yes.”
Me: “oh my goodness…no wondered the cup is inside the shower room”
Vienna: ” Lukas weed inside the cup too”
Me: ” Did you teach him to do so?”
Vienna: “Yes.”
The first thing I did when I arrived home —> threw Lukas’ blue cup away (I threw the container away already  this morning).
Vienna loves doing experiments all the time but never did a gross stinky one like this before.  Will my house explode one day?

I am a kid with full of imagination

Thursday, June 09, 2011

Vienna 突然講"x你個肺"
Zac "即係punch 你既呼吸系統最大既器官!"


Lukas “媽咪,我知道五月係May”
我"係呀,May姐姐係五月出世,所以佢咪叫May 囉"
Lukas “咁你點解唔改我既名叫November既?"
Lukas "鐘意Lukas, 不過我想而家改叫November 呀。"
Lukas “因為我想人地問我叫咩名時我講"November 呀!",之後個個人一定大叫"呢個都唔係名黎既!",我想佢地咁講呀…."
********咁今日各位見到Lukas時都可以講聲”Hello November”! *********