Friday, August 17, 2012

Lukas' fashion sense

Saw this scene in the living room this afternoon: 

Me" Wow.. Lukas, what fashion sense is this? Why is your leg like that ? "

Lukas said " I want to be like Zac!" while he was taking off the rubber bands. ( refers to Zac's "Adidas tattoo" done the other day)

The mark on his leg says " Who's on the inside ?"(即「誰在你𥚃面?」)

These are the rubber bracelets given to the students at a student conference in NZ years ago. Daddy was clearing his old stuff today and found them. The carved statement " Who's on the inside?" reminds us to think who is inside our lives -- Jesus. It works just like those bracelets carved with "WWJD" ( i.e. What Would Jesus Do)

*** Go for it Lukas, I think it is great to bring Jesus into the fashion field ... Haha...
Anyway, our Lord is the Alpha and Omega and You should be trendy at all times!! ***

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